I Had Period Sex Wearing Two Different Menstrual Cups

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Period sex can be a topic that gets people talking. Some love it, and some are hesitant about it. But for those who are open to the idea, it can be a great way to connect with your partner and enjoy intimacy even during that time of the month. As someone who is always looking for new ways to enhance my sex life, I recently tried having period sex while wearing two different menstrual cups. And let me tell you, it was an experience unlike any other.

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The Setup: Two Different Menstrual Cups

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I've been a user of menstrual cups for a while now, and I love the freedom and convenience they provide. So when the idea of having period sex wearing a menstrual cup came up, I was intrigued. I decided to try it with two different cups to see which one would work best for me during this intimate activity.

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The first cup I tried was a softer, more flexible cup that I typically use for lighter days of my period. The second cup was a firmer cup that I use on heavier days. I wanted to see how the different firmness levels would affect my comfort and pleasure during sex.

The Experience: Comfort and Sensation

I won't lie, I was a bit nervous at first. I wasn't sure how the cups would feel during sex, and I was worried about leakage or discomfort. But as soon as things got started, I was pleasantly surprised.

The softer cup felt comfortable and flexible, allowing for natural movement without any discomfort. It also didn't cause any irritation or discomfort for my partner, which was a relief. The firmer cup, on the other hand, provided a bit more sensation during sex. It was almost like having a built-in toy, adding a new level of excitement to our intimate experience.

The Cleanup: No Mess, No Fuss

One of the biggest concerns about having period sex is the mess. But with the menstrual cups, cleanup was a breeze. Both cups held up well during sex, and there was no leakage or mess to deal with afterward. I simply removed the cups, emptied them, and rinsed them out before reinserting them. It was quick, easy, and completely hassle-free.

The Verdict: A Game-Changer

Overall, my experience with period sex wearing two different menstrual cups was a game-changer. It opened up a new world of possibilities for me and my partner, allowing us to enjoy intimacy without the limitations of my menstrual cycle. The cups provided comfort, sensation, and convenience, making the entire experience a positive one for both of us.

I would highly recommend giving it a try to anyone who is curious about period sex. It may seem daunting at first, but with the right menstrual cup, it can be a truly enjoyable and liberating experience. So don't let your period hold you back from connecting with your partner. Embrace the possibilities and see where it takes you.